TICA combines the basic tenets or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with an integrated evidenced-based approach similar to the approach used in Dialectical Behavior Therapy ("DBT"). The primary characteristics that define TICA are:
- Balanced effort between working with the parents and children, based on the belief that youth in crisis are best helped by working with the entire family.
- Outpatient, non-residential support, on the basis that it is more effective and less expensive for everyone in the family to stay together at home, excluding short-term intervention in severe cases, than to place the child in a residential program.
- A thorough assessment of the child and family facilitates creating a well-informed plan for therapy. This includes family interviews, consulting with schools and other sources, formal evaluation, as indicated, for emotional, cognitive, educational, neurological and behavioral issues.
- Multiple CBT evidence based modalities are used, rather than adherence to a rigid approach.
- A lead therapist is assigned and a formal treatment plan is custom-made to the family needs based on the evaluation outcome.
- The family agrees to a formal written contract that outlines the treatment goals and the expectations for participation for everyone in the family included.
- Support of the family and lead therapist by a collaborative and integrated treatment team with a variety of disciplines (clinical, counseling, educational and medical) and with a range of expertise (e.g. oppositional/defiance, addiction, eating disorders, self-harm, anxiety, depression/suicidology). This team meets to review all cases on a regular basis and provides direct support, in addition to the lead therapist, as needed.
- The treatment team has the ability to go to the home, school and community, as needed.
- Close monitoring of family experience and effectives of treatment.
- Research based on standardized testing conducted pre and post treatment in order to advance and validate the TICA model and to support program effectiveness both with insurance companies and with new families considering Under One Roof.